Each and every one of you want to make sure that you buy insurance for your personal car to make sure that you do not have to suffer when you have an accident. There are many insurers in the Indian market that will help you out with some very good and reliable plans for your private vehicle.
HDFC Ergo Car Insurance is one of the soundest options that you have as it has a very good reach in the Indian market.
HDFC Ergo Car Insurance is one of the soundest options that you have as it has a very good reach in the Indian market.

There are many cases in which the HDFC Ergo car insurance can help you out with its insurance cover for your vehicle. They provide you with cover against almost any kind of problem or mishap that may happen and damage your vehicle. HDFC Ergo Car Insurance covers your vehicles against the damage caused by riots, terrorist activities, natural calamity, thieves or dacoits and most commonly by accidents.
The best thing with the company is that the reimbursement of the claim amount is very rapid and you can also get to file complain online also. HDFC car insurance allows you to file the claim online just by uploading the proof of damage in the scanned form and it will be processed in the quickest possible time. Here are some of the other interesting and eye capturing features of the private car insurance plan which is there on offer by the car insurance to you people:
Cashless claim settlement:
The company has tied up with as many as 3400 garages across India to make sure that you need not to spend a penny from your pocket in case of breakdown or accident. HDFC Ergo Car Insurance is looking to increase this reach even more and make all the settlements cashless only to make things even convenient for the customers.
This cashless settlement is especially very helpful when there is some very big damage in the vehicle and you do not have cash in hand. You may also get in touch with the customer care executives form HDFC Ergo car insurance and they will help you with towing facility for your car. The company thrives on serving the customers and put customer’s convenience above everything else. They try very hard to make sure that you do not have to take any pain when you have accident or breakdown in wandered place which makes car insurance a favorite of its customers.
Simple and easy procedures:
This is another thing about the car insurance policy which is offered by the company to make things simpler for you. HDFC Ergo Car Insurance requires minimal paperwork to buy the insurance policy and when you are buying the policy online, the scanned policy of the documents can also work very well. With the claim settlement as well, Car insurance plan allows you to file the compensation online so that you do not have any difficulty in receiving your reimbursement for the damage to your vehicle.
As soon as you file the claim or report about the damage, HDFC Ergo Car Insurance representative will come to the place to check the extent of damage in your vehicle. In case, when you are going to partner garage, they will check the vehicle in the garage only to make things even convenient for you.
Last but not the least thing with the policy which is on offer from the HDFC Ergo Car Insurance is that you get some hefty bonus for renewal. The company offers you a bonus of around 10% at the time of renewal to make it affordable for you to manage the health of your vehicle.
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